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Rose Rehm
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Rose Rehm

Serious Fraud Office / Te Tari Hara Tāware

Manager Investigations

  • Appointed September 2020.
  • Joined in January 2015 as principal investigating lawyer.
  • Previously worked in private practice in Auckland and London, acting in commercial, criminal and regulatory spheres.
  • Practice included complex civil fraud proceedings in the English Commercial Court and corporate corruption investigations for clients with international operations.
  • Holds a BA/LLB (Hons) from Auckland University.


Buddle Findlay
Dec 2001 - Nov 2005
Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Jul 2006 - Jul 2009
McGuireWoods London LLP
Consultant to McGuireWoods London LLP, Senior Associate
Jul 2009 - Dec 2014
Serious Fraud Office / Te Tari Hara Tāware
Manager Investigations, Principal Investigating Lawyer
Jan 2015 - Present

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