Who runs NZ?
Scott McMurray
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Scott McMurray

Financial Markets Authority / Te Mana Tatai Hokohoko

Director of strategy and stakeholder relations

  • Previously FMA’s manager of government and industry relations and acting head of stakeholder management, and managed the 2016 review of retirement income policies.
  • Was government relations manager at the Bank of NZ, and held communications and advisory roles in local and central government, as well as working for a not-for-profit think-tank and public affairs consultancy.


Government Relations Manager, External Relations Consultant
Oct 2007 - Mar 2012
Financial Markets Authority / Te Mana Tatai Hokohoko
Acting Head of Stakeholder Management, Senior Adviser, Government and Sector Relations
Mar 2012 - Aug 2012
Financial Markets Authority / Te Mana Tatai Hokohoko
Acting Head of Stakeholder Management
Mar 2013 - Feb 2014
Retirement Commission / Te Ara Ahunga Ora
Manager Retirement Income Polices Review
Jan 2016 - Dec 2016
Financial Markets Authority / Te Mana Tatai Hokohoko
Director of Strategy & Stakeholder Relations, Manager, Government and Industry Relations
Mar 2017 - Present

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