Who runs NZ?
Vicky Robertson
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Vicky Robertson

Ministry for The Environment / Manatū mō te Taiao

Secretary for the environment and chief executive

  • Appointed April 2015.
  • Previously a deputy chief executive, chief operating officer, and acting secretary and chief executive at the Treasury.
  • Represented the Treasury in the steering group to establish the mixed ownership model for state owned enterprises and led the Treasury’s programme to develop stronger relationships with Māori.
  • Led a strategic and structural review of the United Nations Development Programme during a year’s secondment..
  • Background in law and economics.
  • Has worked extensively with iwi and attended Treaty of Waitangi events as a senior representative.


The Treasury / Te Tai Ōhanga
Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer, Deputy Secretary Economic Growth
Feb 2011 - May 2015
Ministry for The Environment / Manatū mō te Taiao
Chief Executive and Secretary
Jan 2015 - Present

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