Business of Government: advertising guidelines, proactive release stats and more...

Business of Government: advertising guidelines, proactive release stats and more...
New guidance should hopefully mean no more ads like this one advocating for three waters reforms. (Image: DIA)
Jem Traylen
Proactive release of cabinet papers taken more seriouslyThe adage attributed to Peter Drucker – “what gets measured gets managed” –  certainly rings true in the public service. Timeliness of responses to Official Information Act requests significantly improved once a league table of agency performance was published.The same is now happening for the proactive release of cabinet papers.In attempting to live up to its ambition of being “the most open and transparent government ever”, ministers have been req...

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Independent costings needed for tough political decisions

Independent costings needed for tough political decisions

The time is now for an Independent Fiscal Institution.

Three Waters replacement opens fresh wounds

Three Waters replacement opens fresh wounds

There are fears the new regime will create 'orphan' councils.

Govt steers slow-ahead course on resuming live-animal shipments

Govt steers slow-ahead course on resuming live-animal shipments

Exports could resume next year with stronger animal welfare standards.

Staff reporters 27 Jun 2024
Govt names five experts to review biogenic methane targets

Govt names five experts to review biogenic methane targets

Former climate change commissioner Nicola Shadbolt will chair the independent panel.

Staff reporters 27 Jun 2024