Falling fertility rates will turn migration debate upside down

Falling fertility rates will turn migration debate upside down
Desperate refugees seeking a better, safer home have become an issue for many countries. (Image: Bloomberg)
By Tyler CowenThe continued decline of global fertility rates, especially in wealthier countries, requires a re-evaluation of global immigration policy. As the funding of public pensions becomes a more pressing issue, might governments work harder to bring migrants in, rather than keeping them out?Some countries can be expected to keep their relatively restrictionist immigration policies. But their populations will become smaller and smaller while taxes on the young will get higher and higher, in part to pay for the retirements and health care...

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Indian students face rejection

Indian students face rejection

A thorn in the side of the India-NZ relationship is rearing its head again: student visas.

Migrant departures hit record high

Migrant departures hit record high

Stats NZ figures show 130,600 departures for the April 2024 year, up 34% from a year ago.

Staff reporters 12 Jun 2024
Dear valuable foreign students: pay up then bugger off home
Economy Education

Dear valuable foreign students: pay up then bugger off home

Wary western governments are changing the rules on international fee-payers.

Bloomberg 25 May 2024
Work visa numbers drop by more than 50% year-on-year

Work visa numbers drop by more than 50% year-on-year

High net migration numbers are starting to turn thanks to a slowing economy.

Dileepa Fonseka 15 May 2024