StraitNZ wants 'level playing field' for Cook Strait services

StraitNZ wants 'level playing field' for Cook Strait services
StraitNZ acquired its most recent Bluebridge ferry, Connemara, last year. (Image: StraitNZ)
Oliver Lewis
StraitNZ, the private operator of the two Bluebridge ferries, has experienced increased demand for its services following the grounding of the Aratere.The 25-year-old Interislander ferry ran aground shortly after departing Picton on a freight-only sailing on June 21. It was refloated a day later with minimal damage but remains out of service pending the outcome of investigations into the cause of the incident.KiwiRail has three vessels in its Interislander fleet. Kaiarahi is in wet dock and isn’t due to return to service until July 6, lea...

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