Hey, city slickers: Cars are becoming an endangered species

Hey, city slickers: Cars are becoming an endangered species
One of the main barriers is our cultural attachment to private vehicle ownership as getting your first car is a rite of passage, Jehan Casinader says.
Jehan Casinader
If you live in Wellington, the council just gave you another reason to leave your car in the garage.In July, the hourly parking rate on weekends will rise to $4.50 an hour. Right now, it’s $2.50 an hour. Just three years ago, parking was free on weekends.The public is yet to be consulted, but regardless of the outcome, this serves as yet another reminder that cars are becoming an endangered species in our cities.Wellingtonians have already backed a plan to remove 200 car parks from the CBD and ban private vehicles from the “Golden M...

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