Job done: KiwiSaver at work

Job done: KiwiSaver at work
The IRD estimates KiwiSaver will host about 3.37 million members by the end of June 2024, up from 3.12 million this year. (Image: Adobe Stock)
David Chaplin
New figures from the Inland Revenue Department suggest KiwiSaver has almost made employers redundant as suppliers of retirement savings services.The Inland Revenue Department annual scheme statistical report shows KiwiSaver now covers more than 3.1 million New Zealanders, or more than 60% of the country’s total population of 5.12 million as at the end of June this year.Annoyingly, the latest Statistics NZ population table does not provide a birth-to-18-year age cohort estimate, but with a bit of maths (averaging and whatnot) I finessed a...

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