Each week BusinessDesk and the NZ Herald's Cooking the Books podcast tackles a different money problem. Today, it's how to get started in real estate investing when you don't have much spare cash. Hosted by Frances Cook.

We all know that New Zealanders have a mild property investment obsession. For decades now, it’s been one of the favourite ways for New Zealanders to build their wealth.

But as prices went up, fewer people found property investment to be a realistic option for them.

When you need tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, just to get started, well, that’s a pretty big ask.

So, what if you could get into property investment for just $5?

Even better, what if it’s not just the standard residential property options that most New Zealanders opt for, but getting into the commercial or industrial property investments that can take more expertise to get right?

Well, you can.

There are property funds that are listed on the share market, that let you get into property investment for less money upfront, and less day-to-day management from you.

For the latest podcast, I talked to Leighton Roberts, founder and one of the 3EOs of Sharesies. 

For the interview, listen to the podcast here.