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Each week, BusinessDesk and the NZ Herald’s Cooking the Books podcast tackles a different money problem. Today, it’s the best way to start the money conversation – and avoid a fight. Hosted by Frances Cook.

Money is the great unspoken force in many of our lives, ensuring things are possible and keeping other things out of reach. 

But there’s huge power in starting to talk about it, especially with those we’re close to. 

If you’re coupled up, it’s important to be on the same page as your partner to ensure you’re not accidentally sabotaging each other. 

There’s more than one way to successfully share your finances, but the key is you do need to know what your strategy is. 

There’s also the matter of talking to your kids about money or even your own parents. 

These money conversations can be crucial but also so hard to have. 

We all bring our own baggage to the conversation, which can make it more likely for emotions to flare up.

For the interview, listen to the podcast here.

If you have a question about this podcast, or a question you'd like answered in the next one, come and talk to me about it. I'm on Facebook here, Instagram here, and Twitter here.

Listen to the full interview on the Cooking the Books podcast. You can subscribe on iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify.