$10/kgMS farmgate milk price on the horizon as Fonterra ups forecast again

$10/kgMS farmgate milk price on the horizon as Fonterra ups forecast again
(Image: Fonterra)
Riley Kennedy
Fonterra Co-operative Group has once again lifted its forecast milk price with its midpoint hitting $10 per kilogram of milk solid (kgMS).It is the co-op’s fourth lift of the season and comes after a significant lift in global dairy prices in recent months.Fonterra’s range moved to between $9.50/kgMS and $10.50/kgMS with the midpoint at $10/kgMS.Fonterra’s current record high milk price was $9.30/kgMS for the 2021/2022 season.Up againThis week’s auction was the third in a row where the average prices lifted as customers,...

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