Is CEO Miles Hurrell ready to jump off the Fonterra ship?

Is CEO Miles Hurrell ready to jump off the Fonterra ship?
CEO Miles Hurrell has turned around Fonterra's fortunes in five years, so what's next? (Image: Getty)
Riley Kennedy
In the financial year that Miles Hurrell took over the top job at Fonterra, the business reported a net loss of $605 million. That was 2019.The co-op wasn’t paying a dividend, with the farmgate milk price at $6.35 per kilogram of milk solid. Hurrell made it his mission to reset the business and get it back to basics.Almost exactly five years after Hurrell took over, Fonterra reported a half-year net profit of $674m, up 23%, on Thursday, with earnings before interest and tax increasing 14% to $986m.It increased the inte...

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