Du Val debts $237m: First report shows how far down the list investors are

Du Val debts $237m: First report shows how far down the list investors are
Du Val director Kenyon Clarke is still on the books, but others have departed. (Image, BusinessDesk)
Garth Bray
Du Val investors owed $41 million sit behind $18.6m in debt to unsecured creditors, a tax bill of $7.5m, employees owed $83,000 and $170.7m in secured creditors ranked ahead of them all. The first report of the statutory managers released today withholds the value of assets and liabilities in Du Val property development and notes discussions with China Construction Bank as the mortgagee of the Du Val Build To Rent Fund that “seeks to preserve and maximise the value in the properties”. Bowing outTwo Du Val directors stepped...

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