Kāinga Ora faces 60 years of unmanageable debt, Megan Woods warned

Kāinga Ora faces 60 years of unmanageable debt, Megan Woods warned
Housing minister Megan Woods has been advised not to accept any budget requests from Kāinga Ora until getting HUD’s strategy. (Image: Getty)
Greg Hurrell
Leaked briefing documents show housing minister Megan Woods has been urged to reject new funding requests from Kāinga Ora as the public housing agency faces an unmanageable debt blowout.In a June 17 briefing seen by BusinessDesk, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) advised the minister not to accept any specific budget requests from Kāinga Ora until she received HUD’s written strategy on the 2023 budget.A spokesperson in the minister’s office said no decisions had been made on the recommendations and Woods sought mor...

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