1. Contrary to its name, what is the colour of the aircraft fight recorder known as a black box?
  2. What plant was named after the German botanist Friedrich Freese?
  3. What is the term for the connective tissue that acts as a shock absorber between bones?
  4. What highly visible installations are made by the Danish company Vestas?
  5. What colour was the Mini in the classic NZ film “Goodbye Pork Pie”?
  6. What was the origin of the line “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak”: the Bible, William Shakespeare or Mahatma Gandhi?
  7. What hit film of 1975 was set on the fictional Amity Island?
  8. What first name was shared by an actor with the surname Kinski and a Nazi war criminal with the surname Barbie?
  9. Which is New Zealand’s second-largest inland city (after Hamilton)?
  10. Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton became lovers during the making of what epic film?

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ANSWERS: 1. Orange; 2. The freesia; 3. Cartilage; 4. Wind turbines; 5. Yellow; 6. The Bible; 7. Jaws; 8. Klaus; 9. Palmerston North; 10. Cleopatra.