Each week BusinessDesk and the NZ Herald’s Cooking the Books podcast tackles a different money problem. Today, it’s it’s all about how much power you really have as a shareholder. Hosted by Frances Cook. 

This episode is brought to you by the Financial Markets Authority. 

All right team, it’s a little bit of a good news/bad news moment. 

The good news is it’s world investing week. Now, of course, every week is investing week in Cooking the Books land, but it’s also nice to have the excuse to talk about it even more. 

The bad news, well, you might not have much brain power to think about investing right now, what with the election, the cost of living and just trying to keep your life going. 

The good news? We’re going to keep it really simple, so you can achieve something many people want to do but just run out of time for. 

Because even more good news is that research from the FMA shows 68% of New Zealanders want their money invested ethically. 

But the bad news is only 26% of us have acted on that. Another 23% of us have looked into it, but haven't taken action. 

I’ve got you – life’s busy. Let’s see how more of us can put this plan into action.  

For the latest podcast, I talked to Financial Markets Authority, executive director of response and enforcement, Paul Gregory. 

For the interview, listen to the podcast here.