1. Who was Britain`s first million-pound footballer?
  2. Who solves the crime in Death on the Nile?
  3. Which fictional park off the coast of Costa Rica did Michael Crichton write about?  
  4. Which American President ordered the dropping of the first atomic bomb?
  5. What is the colour of the ball that is worth 6 points in snooker?
  6. What was Ferdinand Porche's best-selling car design?
  7. Which French city was besieged by the English until the arrival of Joan of Arc?
  8. Who assassinated John Lennon?
  9. Which famous building has the address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?
  10. From which country does the game of mah-jong originate?

Scroll down for the answers: 

ANSWERS: 1. Trevor Francis; 2. Hercule Poirot; 3. Jurassic Park; 4. Harry S Truman; 5. Pink; 6. The Volkswagen Beetle; 7. Orleans; 8. Mark Chapman; 9. The White House; 10. China.

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