- Who was Britain`s first million-pound footballer?
- Who solves the crime in Death on the Nile?
- Which fictional park off the coast of Costa Rica did Michael Crichton write about?
- Which American President ordered the dropping of the first atomic bomb?
- What is the colour of the ball that is worth 6 points in snooker?
- What was Ferdinand Porche's best-selling car design?
- Which French city was besieged by the English until the arrival of Joan of Arc?
- Who assassinated John Lennon?
- Which famous building has the address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?
- From which country does the game of mah-jong originate?
Scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. Trevor Francis; 2. Hercule Poirot; 3. Jurassic Park; 4. Harry S Truman; 5. Pink; 6. The Volkswagen Beetle; 7. Orleans; 8. Mark Chapman; 9. The White House; 10. China.
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