- Which region of France has a name derived from a Latin word meaning “Land of the Britons”?
- What metric unit of measurement has the abbreviation Mt?
- What influential British daily newspaper is distinctive because of its salmon-pink newsprint?
- Bahia, Para and Mato Grosso are states of what country?
- What city has an area called Tribeca?
- Which member of the 2021 New Zealand Olympic Sevens women’s rugby team gave what some commentators described as the best post-match interview ever?
- Germany’s Kiel Canal connects which two seas?
- In which year did corporal punishment become illegal in New Zealand schools: 1975, 1984 or 1990?
- Where does a pelagic fish live: in deep water, around reefs or close to the surface?
- What American car brand was named after a French explorer who founded what is now Detroit?
Please scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. Brittany; 2. Megatonne; 3. The Financial Times; 4. Brazil; 5. New York; 6. Ruby Tui; 7. The North Sea and the Baltic Sea; 8. 1990; 9. Close to the surface; 10. Cadillac.