1. The medical condition known as psoriasis affects which part of the body: the liver, the bones or the skin?
  2. The huon pine is native to which Australian state?
  3. Which mentally ill British king was played by Nigel Hawthorne (of Yes Minister fame) in a 1994 film?
  4. What does the P stand for in the initials of the government department MPI?
  5. What type of rugby kick is known in Ireland as a garryowen, after a club that made frequent use of it?
  6. Which current MP is a former president of the police officers’ union?
  7. Which Pacific island country was invaded in August 1914 by an expeditionary force from New Zealand?
  8. What light style of wine is associated with the French region of Provence?
  9. What do the lacrimal glands produce?
  10.  What does a prestidigitator do: entertain people with magic, make long speeches or perform bike stunts?


ANSWERS: 1. The skin; 2. Tasmania; 3. George III (the film was The Madness of King George); 4. Primary; 5. The up-and-under; 6. Greg O’Connor; 7. Samoa; 8. Rosé; 9. Tears; 10. Entertain people with magic.