- In Germany, it is called "blutwurst"; in France, "boudin noir". What is it most commonly called in England?
- To which European country does Greenland belong?
- In The Simpsons, what are the names of Marge`s two sisters?
- By what name was Norma Jean Baker better known?
- From which country does Edam cheese originate?
- Of which band is Thom Yorke the lead singer?
- What make of car is named after the Latin word meaning "to listen" or "to hear"?
- What is the name of the planet closest to the sun?
- How many red balls are used in a game of snooker?
- According to surveys in the 1990s, what was the most common New Year resolution?
Scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. Black pudding; 2. Denmark; 3. Patty and Selma; 4. Marilyn Monroe; 5. The Netherlands; 6. Radiohead; 7. Audi; 8. Mercury; 9. 15; 10. To lose weight.
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