1. In Germany, it is called "blutwurst"; in France, "boudin noir". What is it most commonly called in England?
  2. To which European country does Greenland belong?
  3. In The Simpsons, what are the names of Marge`s two sisters?
  4. By what name was Norma Jean Baker better known? 
  5. From which country does Edam cheese originate?
  6. Of which band is Thom Yorke the lead singer?
  7. What make of car is named after the Latin word meaning "to listen" or "to hear"?
  8. What is the name of the planet closest to the sun?
  9. How many red balls are used in a game of snooker?  
  10. According to surveys in the 1990s, what was the most common New Year resolution?

Scroll down for the answers: 

ANSWERS: 1. Black pudding; 2. Denmark; 3. Patty and Selma; 4. Marilyn Monroe; 5. The Netherlands;  6. Radiohead; 7.  Audi; 8. Mercury; 9. 15; 10. To lose weight.

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