1. Which animal represents the star sign Taurus?
  2. Which actor is the narrator in the film Blade Runner?
  3. Where is the deepest location on Earth?
  4. What type of dog was the cartoon character Snoopy?
  5. In the music world, by what name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III better known?
  6. What does the letter `N` stand for in Nato?
  7. Fort Knox lies in which American state?
  8. What is the correct spelling of the rulers of ancient Egypt?
  9. Who said, "Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind"?
  10. What is the square root of 169?

Scroll down for the answers:

ANSWERS: 1. Bull; 2. Harrison Ford; 3. The bottom of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean; 4.  A beagle; 5. Eminem; 6. North; 7. Kentucky; 8. Pharaoh; 9. Albert Einstein; 10. 13.

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