1. What 1984 film starred Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Sigourney Weaver?
  2. Which bird lays the biggest egg in the world?
  3. In what year did Elvis Presley buy Graceland? 1957, 1962 or 1968?
  4. Which of these letters is used most frequently in the English language? B, V or P?
  5. Who wrote the 1995 novel Rose Madder?
  6. In which country did Karl Marx spend the last 34 years of his life?
  7. Miracle, Kelvedon Wonder, and Meteor are all types of which vegetable?
  8. What are angels on horseback?
  9. What is Brazil's national dance?
  10. In the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, what did Jack exchange for the beans from which the beanstalk grew?  

Scroll down for the answers:

ANSWERS: 1. Ghostbusters; 2. Ostrich; 3. 1957; 4. P; 5. Stephen King; 6. England; 7. Pea; 8. Oysters wrapped in bacon; 9. The samba; 10. A cow.

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