- What 1984 film starred Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Sigourney Weaver?
- Which bird lays the biggest egg in the world?
- In what year did Elvis Presley buy Graceland? 1957, 1962 or 1968?
- Which of these letters is used most frequently in the English language? B, V or P?
- Who wrote the 1995 novel Rose Madder?
- In which country did Karl Marx spend the last 34 years of his life?
- Miracle, Kelvedon Wonder, and Meteor are all types of which vegetable?
- What are angels on horseback?
- What is Brazil's national dance?
- In the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, what did Jack exchange for the beans from which the beanstalk grew?
Scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. Ghostbusters; 2. Ostrich; 3. 1957; 4. P; 5. Stephen King; 6. England; 7. Pea; 8. Oysters wrapped in bacon; 9. The samba; 10. A cow.
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