1. How many stars appear on Australia's flag?
  2. What does RAM stand for in computer terminology?
  3. How is the number one usually called in a game of Bingo?
  4. Which famous singer/actress would you associate with the perfume Glow?
  5. In the film The Life Of Brian, who played Brian?
  6. Which American singer has a backing band called The E Street Band?
  7. Nephrology is the study of which internal organ?
  8. How is Griffin better known by the title of an HG Wells book?  
  9. What was an iron maiden used for? Dressmaking, Feeding horses or Torture?
  10. Who in Greek mythology was the first woman on earth?

Scroll down for the answers:

ANSWERS: 1. Six; 2. Random Access Memory; 3. Kelly`s Eye; 4. Jennifer Lopez; 5. Graham Chapman; 6. Bruce Springsteen; 7. Kidney; 8. The Invisible Man; 9. Torture; 10. Pandora.

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