- How many stars appear on Australia's flag?
- What does RAM stand for in computer terminology?
- How is the number one usually called in a game of Bingo?
- Which famous singer/actress would you associate with the perfume Glow?
- In the film The Life Of Brian, who played Brian?
- Which American singer has a backing band called The E Street Band?
- Nephrology is the study of which internal organ?
- How is Griffin better known by the title of an HG Wells book?
- What was an iron maiden used for? Dressmaking, Feeding horses or Torture?
- Who in Greek mythology was the first woman on earth?
Scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. Six; 2. Random Access Memory; 3. Kelly`s Eye; 4. Jennifer Lopez; 5. Graham Chapman; 6. Bruce Springsteen; 7. Kidney; 8. The Invisible Man; 9. Torture; 10. Pandora.
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