- What is deoxyribonucleic acid better known as?
- What is the national sport of Japan?
- What colour jersey does the overall leader of the Tour de France wear?
- In which English town was William Shakespeare born?
- In the game of draughts, how many checkers does a player start with?
- By what abbreviation is the International Criminal Police Organisation better known?
- What are cave structures called that grow from the ground up?
- In the board game Monopoly, what colour is Bond Street?
- Does a record turntable revolve clockwise or anti-clockwise?
- In which famous novel would you find the characters of Heathcliff and Mr Earnshaw?
Scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. DNA; 2. Sumo Wrestling; 3. Yellow; 4. Stratford-Upon-Avon; 5. 12; 6. Interpol; 7. Stalagmites; 8. Green; 9. Clockwise; 10. Wuthering Heights.
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