- What word is used to describe an angle between 90 and 180 degrees?
- In a game of chess, which piece is worth more – a rook or a knight?
- Commonly found at circuses, what would a funambulist be better known as?
- If you were born on Guy Fawkes` Night, what star sign would you be?
- What is the name of He Man's arch-enemy?
- Who had a hit in 1982 with "Maneater"?
- What is the name of the fault that causes the earthquakes around San Francisco?
- What was the codename for the German invasion of Russia in World War II?
- Who wrote Of Mice and Men?
- After who or what is the Rosetta Stone named?
Scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. Obtuse; 2. Rook; 3. Tight-rope walker; 4. Scorpio; 5. Skeletor; 6. Hall & Oates; 7. San Andreas Fault; 8. Barbarossa; 9. John Steinbeck; 10. The town where it was found.
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