1. What word is used to describe an angle between 90 and 180 degrees?
  2. In a game of chess, which piece is worth more – a rook or a knight?
  3. Commonly found at circuses, what would a funambulist be better known as? 
  4. If you were born on Guy Fawkes` Night, what star sign would you be?
  5. What is the name of He Man's arch-enemy?
  6. Who had a hit in 1982 with "Maneater"?
  7. What is the name of the fault that causes the earthquakes around San Francisco?
  8. What was the codename for the German invasion of Russia in World War II?
  9. Who wrote Of Mice and Men?
  10. After who or what is the Rosetta Stone named?

Scroll down for the answers:

ANSWERS: 1. Obtuse; 2. Rook; 3. Tight-rope walker; 4. Scorpio; 5. Skeletor; 6. Hall & Oates; 7. San Andreas Fault; 8. Barbarossa; 9. John Steinbeck; 10. The town where it was found.

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