1. Which New Zealand No. 1 hit song of 1979 had a title inspired by a wicked biblical princess?
  2. Which meat would you find in the Italian dish pollo alla cacciatora?
  3. Which of the following words is not of Australian origin: drongo, bonzer, dunger or yakka?
  4. The TV drama series Poldark was set in which part of England?
  5. Which best-selling book featured characters named Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego?
  6. What is the term for the gaps in a ship’s side where water drains off the deck?
  7. Hāmuera is the Māori version of what English name?
  8. New England consists of six states: Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and which other?
  9. Is litotes a plant, a skin disease or a figure of speech?
  10.  Which two words that sound the same but have different spellings can mean pleasantly warm (as in weather) or extremely foolish?


ANSWERS: 1. Jezebel (sung by Jon Stevens); 2. Chicken; 3. Dunger (it’s from New Zealand); 4. Cornwall; 5. The Bible; 6. Scuppers; 7. Samuel; 8. Maine; 9. A figure of speech; 10. Balmy/barmy.