1. In which American city is Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower)?
  2. In the nursery rhyme, what was old Mother Hubbard looking for in her cupboard?
  3. Which fictional character had a dog named Jip and a pig named Gub Gub?
  4. Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of what number?
  5. On which side of the road do people drive in Japan? 
  6. How many of Henry VIII's wives were beheaded?
  7. Which Shakespeare play features the characters Shylock and Portia?
  8. Which famous gangster said: "I`ve been accused of every death except the casualty list of the world war"?
  9. What was the opponent's name whose earlobe Mike Tyson bit off?
  10. Which metal is the best conductor of electricity?

Scroll down for the answers:

ANSWERS: 1. Chicago; 2. A bone; 3. Dr Dolittle; 4. 13; 5. The left side; 6. Two; 7. The Merchant Of Venice; 8. Al Capone; 9. Evander Holyfield; 10. Silver.

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