- In which American city is Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower)?
- In the nursery rhyme, what was old Mother Hubbard looking for in her cupboard?
- Which fictional character had a dog named Jip and a pig named Gub Gub?
- Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of what number?
- On which side of the road do people drive in Japan?
- How many of Henry VIII's wives were beheaded?
- Which Shakespeare play features the characters Shylock and Portia?
- Which famous gangster said: "I`ve been accused of every death except the casualty list of the world war"?
- What was the opponent's name whose earlobe Mike Tyson bit off?
- Which metal is the best conductor of electricity?
Scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. Chicago; 2. A bone; 3. Dr Dolittle; 4. 13; 5. The left side; 6. Two; 7. The Merchant Of Venice; 8. Al Capone; 9. Evander Holyfield; 10. Silver.
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