1. Anthony Stark is the alter-ego of which superhero?
  2. Brochan is a Scottish word for which type of food?  
  3. How many rows of stars are there on an American flag?
  4. What is trichology the study of? Hair, bones or fingernails?
  5. Which country in Europe did the inventor of Lego come from?
  6. Which Quentin Tarantino film won the main prize at the 1994 Cannes Film Festival?
  7. Which of these countries has the most coastline? Greenland, Italy or Japan?
  8. In which city was the Titanic built?
  9. What instrument did Dave Clarke play in the Dave Clarke Five?  
  10. Which chess piece always remains on the same coloured squares?

Scroll down for the answers:

ANSWERS: 1. Iron Man; 2. Porridge; 3. Nine; 4. Hair; 5. Denmark; 6. Pulp Fiction; 7. Greenland (approx 44,000 km); 8. Belfast; 9. Drums; 10. Bishop.

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