
Chorus was formed in 2008 and the company was listed on the NZX in 2011. Chorus is a telecommunications infrastructure company operating New Zealand’s largest fixed line fibre optic and copper cable communications networks.

The company provides an open access network which broadband providers can use to provide customers with communications products and services.

Chorus is one of the larger companies on the NZX with a market capitalisation of almost $4 billion in 2020 and is dual listed on both the NZX and ASX. The company appointed JB Rousselot as CEO in 2019.

Company Details

Registered Office: Level 10, 1 Willis Street, Wellington 6011
Postal Address: Level 10, 1 Willis Street, Wellington 6011
Telephone: +64 4 896 4004
Facsimile: n/a
First Listed: 23/11/2011
Balance Date: 30 June
AGM: 08/11/2023

Directors and Executives

Mark Aue
Chief Financial Officer
Sue Bailey
Independent Non-Executive Director
Elaine Campbell
General Counsel / Company Secretary
Mark Cross
Independent Chairman
Miriam Dean
Independent Non-Executive Director
Will Irving
Independent Non-Executive Director
Murray Jordan
Independent Non-Executive Director
Kate Jorgensen
Independent Non-Executive Director
Jack Matthews
Independent Non-Executive Director
Jean-Baptiste Roussel Chief Executive Officer


Title Date Type
Commerce Commission confirms PQP2 WACC Mon, Jul 01 2024 11:09 am MKTUPDTE
Notification of issue of CIP warrants Fri, Jun 14 2024 12:41 pm SECISSUE
Chorus submits 2023 fibre regulatory report Fri, May 31 2024 08:30 am MKTUPDTE
SPH Notice - L1 Capital Pty Limited Fri, May 03 2024 08:30 am SHINTR
Commerce Commission releases draft expenditure decision Thu, Apr 18 2024 09:07 am MKTUPDTE
Chorus Q3 FY24 Connections Update Wed, Apr 10 2024 08:30 am MKTUPDTE
Chorus AUD FX rate for 2024 interim dividend Tue, Mar 26 2024 09:37 am CORPACT
Ongoing Disclosure Notice - Mark Cross Tue, Mar 26 2024 09:33 am SHINTR
SPH Notice - The Vanguard Group, Inc. Thu, Mar 21 2024 08:44 am SHINTR
SPH Notice - UniSuper Limited Thu, Mar 21 2024 08:30 am SHINTR

Major Holdings Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Current
28/08/23 The Vanguard Group, Inc. 21,804,188 4.80 5.01
06/06/23 L1 Capital Pty Limited 36,463,390 8.16 8.34
23/02/23 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc 22,196,561 5.00 5.01
15/12/22 UniSuper Limited as trustee for Uni 37,948,874 7.51 8.53
28/09/22 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc 22,457,229 4.99 5.03
08/09/21 BNP PARIBAS SA (“BNPP SA”) and its 856,064 5.95 0.19
30/08/21 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 22,330,536 5.05 5.00
25/03/20 Morgan Stanley and its Subsidiaries 19,276,728 5.20 4.34
09/03/20 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc 23,235,432 4.85 5.24
18/10/19 Accident Compensation Corporation 22,010,905 5.01 4.96
19/11/18 Allan Gray Australia Pty Ltd and it 21,539,771 5.56 4.94
29/11/17 Macquarie Group Limited 20,997,201 5.65 4.94

Director’s Interests Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Details Other
01/11/23 Susan Michelle Bailey 50,000 - - -
28/09/23 Miriam Rose Dean 10,000 - - -
23/02/23 William Alexander King 30,000 - - -
03/11/22 Jean-Baptiste Rousselot 41,968 - - -
03/11/22 Andrew Carroll 109,011 - - -
13/10/22 Jack Matthews 19,881 - - -
13/10/22 Murray Peter Jordan 124,010 - - -
13/10/22 Andrew Mark Cross 30,711 - - -
13/10/22 Elaine Campbell 15,205 - - -
14/10/21 Kate Louise Jorgensen 12,975 - - -
14/10/21 Prudence Mary Flacks 44,234 - - -
15/12/20 Dr Patrick Clifford Str 51,000 - - -
25/10/19 Kathryn McKenzie 65,862 - - -
11/10/19 Anne June Urlwin 20,394 - - -
06/03/19 Lyndal Jane York 1,000 - - -
24/10/17 Keith Sharman Turner 6,616 - - -
06/10/17 Vanessa Oakley 27,666 - - -
07/10/16 Mark Adrian Ratcliffe 152,467 0.04 - -
07/10/16 Clayton Wakefield 21,752 0.01 - -

Analysts’ Forecasts

profit2021 profit2022 eps2021 dps2021 sales2021 ebit2021 ebitda2021
mean 28.3 6.5 47.5 1,017.6 246.5 692.0
high 28.3 6.5 47.5 1,017.6 246.5 692.0
low 28.3 6.5 47.5 1,017.6 246.5 692.0
sample 1 0 1 1 1 1 1


Data on this page is from BusinessDesk and NZX Ltd for information purposes only. Details are believed to be accurate but no warranty is given as to accuracy, timeliness, reliability or completeness. No person should rely on the contents of the report and all persons should obtain independent professional advice before acting on any information connected with or contained in this report.
Last Updated: 10/10/2023

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