New Talisman Gold Mines Limited

The company holds a mining permit and an exploration permit over the Talisman Gold mine project in the Hauraki Gold Field. The company has completed all necessary permitting for development of the bulk sampling project at the mine and holds a resource consent for this purpose.

NTL also holds 100% of the Rahu exploration project which geological analysis has interpreted as a possible 1.5 km plus long northern extension to the mineralisation hosting the gold deposits at Talisman.

The company has recently initiated bulk sampling at the Talisman mine as it proceeds to reopen this historically significant producing mine.

Responsible, environmentally sustainable mineral exploration and profitable development is a strong focus of the company.

Company Details

Registered Office: 2b Gibraltar Cres, Parnell, Auckland 1052
Postal Address: 2b Gibraltar Cres, Parnell, Auckland 1052
Telephone: +64-9-303-1893
Facsimile: n/a
First Listed: 12/09/1986
Balance Date: 31 March
AGM: 28/09/2022

Directors and Executives

James Murray McKee
Independent Chairman
Alexander Victor Rabo Director
Samantha Sharif
Michael Stiassny
Independent Non-Executive Director
John Upperton
Independent Non-Executive Director


Title Date Type
Market Update Mon, Oct 07 2024 09:58 am GENERAL
Substantial Holder Notice Wed, Sep 25 2024 03:24 pm SHINTR
Capital Change Notice Wed, Sep 25 2024 12:08 pm SECISSUE
Ongoing Disclosure Notice - R Tacon Tue, Sep 24 2024 11:57 am SHINTR
Ongoing Disclosure Notice - S Sharif Tue, Sep 24 2024 11:56 am SHINTR
Capital Change Notice Wed, Sep 18 2024 01:10 pm SECISSUE
Results of Annual Shareholder Meeting 17 Sept 2024 Tue, Sep 17 2024 03:47 pm MEETING
Chair's Address to 2024 ASM Tue, Sep 17 2024 12:54 pm MEETING
NTL Market Update Fri, Sep 13 2024 01:21 pm GENERAL
Capital Change Notice Wed, Aug 28 2024 08:53 am SECISSUE

Major Holdings Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Current
16/03/23 Hamish Edward Elliot Brown 75,000,000 11.61 18.08

Director’s Interests Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Details Other
24/03/23 Samantha Sharif 4,846,339 - - -
17/03/23 John Upperton 10,188,333 - - -
07/11/17 Matthew Geoffrey Hill 52,538,038 - - -
19/09/16 Anthony Harwoth 4,500 - - -
13/05/16 M.R. Stevens 60,000 0.01 - -

Analysts’ Forecasts

No forecasts available


Data on this page is from BusinessDesk and NZX Ltd for information purposes only. Details are believed to be accurate but no warranty is given as to accuracy, timeliness, reliability or completeness. No person should rely on the contents of the report and all persons should obtain independent professional advice before acting on any information connected with or contained in this report.
Last Updated: 07/06/2023

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