Summerset Group

Summerset Group Holdings was listed on the NZX in 2011 and the ASX in 2013. The company is a developer and operator of retirement villages in New Zealand with more than 5,500 residents across 31 retirement villages throughout NZ.

The company recently announced plans to expand into the Australian market through two land acquisitions which they are planning to develop new retirement facilities on.

The company employees more than 1,500 people and has a market capitalisation of over $2 billion in 2020. Julian Cook has been the CEO of Summerset since 2014.

Company Details

Registered Office: Level 27, Majestic Centre, 100 Willis Street, Wellington 6011
Postal Address: PO Box 5187, Lambton Quay, Wellington 6145
Telephone: +64 4 894 7320
Facsimile: +64 4 894 7319
First Listed: 01/11/2011
Balance Date: 31 December
AGM: 26/04/2023

Directors and Executives

Dr Marie Bismark
Independent Non-Executive Director
Stephen Bull
Independent Non-Executive Director
Venasio Crawley
Independent Non-Executive Director
Robyn Heyman
Company Secretary
Fiona Oliver
Independent Non-Executive Director
Scott Scoullar
Chief Executive Officer
Grainne Troute
Independent Non-Executive Director
Mark Verbiest
Independent Chairman
Andrew Wong
Independent Non-Executive Director
William Wright
Chief Financial Officer


Title Date Type
Ongoing Disclosure Notice (Scott Scoullar) Tue, Jun 25 2024 04:17 pm SHINTR
SPH Notice - Harbour Asset Management Limited Fri, Jun 07 2024 04:52 pm SHINTR
Ongoing Disclosure Notice (Will Wright) Mon, May 06 2024 08:30 am SHINTR
SPH Notice - FirstCape Group Limited Wed, May 01 2024 05:08 pm SHINTR
SPH Notice - Jarden Securities Limited Wed, May 01 2024 03:19 pm SHINTR
Notice of Allotment of Options Wed, May 01 2024 11:46 am SECISSUE
Outcome of Summerset Annual Meeting Wed, Apr 24 2024 03:37 pm MEETING
Summerset Annual Meeting - Chairman and CEO Addresses Wed, Apr 24 2024 01:10 pm MEETING
1Q24 Metrics - Sales of Occupation Rights Tue, Apr 09 2024 08:30 am MKTUPDTE
Ongoing Disclosure Notices Thu, Mar 28 2024 08:30 am SHINTR

Major Holdings Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Current
31/08/23 Fisher Funds Management Limited 13,375,316 7.22 5.74
02/05/23 New Zealand Superannuation Fund Nom 11,687,398 4.98 5.02
24/03/23 Harbour Asset Management Limited an 18,489,209 6.93 7.93
05/08/22 Harbour Asset Management Limited 11,552,193 8.27 5.00
04/02/22 Milford Asset Management Limited 11,323,399 - 4.92
03/08/21 The Vanguard Group, Inc. 6,643,365 5.00 2.90
19/08/20 Accident Compensation Corporation 11,319,999 5.04 4.96
06/05/20 Milford Funds Limited 12,006,954 - 5.27
15/03/19 Jarden Partners Limited. 16,136,639 8.25 7.16
16/10/17 Cooper Investors Pty Ltd 10,924,594 5.06 4.90

Director’s Interests Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Details Other
26/09/23 Venasio Crawley 4,318 - - -
26/09/23 Marie Magdaleen Bismark 24,967 - - -
26/09/23 Grainne Troute 25,843 - - -
07/09/23 Scott Scoullar 457,559 - - -
24/07/23 William George Graeme W 195 - - -
24/05/23 Fiona Ann Oliver 9,700 - - -
21/09/22 Anne Urlwin 32,046 - - -
06/09/22 Mark John Verbiest 11,500 - - -
20/04/22 Stephen John Bull 6,700 - - -
29/03/22 James Ogden 39,707 - - -
11/05/21 Robert James Campbell 10,320 - - -
01/04/21 Tania Smith 8,012 - - -
02/03/21 Julian Cook 2,266,803 - - -
02/11/17 Andrew Wong 10,500 - - -
09/09/16 Norah Kathleen Barlow 509,795 0.23 - -

Analysts’ Forecasts

profit2021 profit2022 eps2021 dps2021 sales2021 ebit2021 ebitda2021
mean 177.8 202.1 75.9 27.1 460.2 207.9 217.5
high 186.7 202.1 76.5 30.2 460.2 207.9 223.4
low 168.8 202.1 75.4 24.0 460.2 207.9 211.6
sample 2 1 2 2 1 1 2


Data on this page is from BusinessDesk and NZX Ltd for information purposes only. Details are believed to be accurate but no warranty is given as to accuracy, timeliness, reliability or completeness. No person should rely on the contents of the report and all persons should obtain independent professional advice before acting on any information connected with or contained in this report.
Last Updated: 19/09/2023

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