Wellington Drive Technologies

The company was established in 1986 as Clark Automotive Developments Ltd and changed its name to Wellington Drive Technologies in 1996 as it changed its strategy to focus on Electronically Controlled (EC) motors. In 2001 it began manufacturing its own EC motors. It has partners in China Vietnam and Malaysia. In 2011 the company changed its focus on commercial refrigeration industry. As of 2016, the company has offices in 10 countries.

Company Details

Registered Office: 21 Arrenway Drive, Rosedale, Auckland 0632
Postal Address: PO Box 302533, North Harbour, Auckland 0751
Telephone: +64 9 477 0415
Facsimile: +64 9 414 6591
Website: http://www.wdtl.com/
First Listed: 28/02/2001
Balance Date: 31 December
AGM: 25/05/2022

Directors and Executives

Greg Allen
Greg Balla
Chief Executive Officer
John McMahon
Independent Director
Howard Milliner
CFO / Company Secretary
Keith Oliver
Independent Director
Gottfried Pausch
Independent Chairman
John Scott
Independent Non-Executive Director


Title Date Type
Wellington Drive Technologies Limited (“WDT”) – Name Change Tue, Sep 13 2022 01:59 pm MEMO
Wellington Drive Technologies name change to AoFrio Limited Tue, Sep 13 2022 09:20 am ADMIN
AMENDED Results Sheet Fri, Aug 26 2022 01:52 pm GENERAL
Wellington signals FY guidance towards the top end of range Fri, Aug 26 2022 09:18 am HALFYR
Executive Changes Tue, Jul 26 2022 08:33 am GENERAL
Wellington Drive Technologies – Minimum Shareholdings Fri, Jul 01 2022 04:17 pm SECISSUE
Wellington Drive Technologies Annual Meeting Wed, May 25 2022 05:06 pm MEETING
Wellington Drive Technologies Annual Meeting Address Wed, May 25 2022 02:15 pm MEETING
Wellington Drive maintains revenue growth in Q1 2022 Thu, Apr 21 2022 09:57 am GENERAL
Notice of Annual Shareholders Meeting Wed, Apr 20 2022 11:10 am MEETING

Major Holdings Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Current
24/12/21 East West Legacy, LLC 55,149,807 - 12.77
04/08/21 Wairahi Investments Limited & Waira 26,120,286 - 6.01
20/07/21 Jarden Securities Limited and Harbo 48,823,486 12.31 11.30
17/11/20 BNP Paribas Nominees (NZ) Limited a - 5.76 -
16/11/20 Harbour Asset Management Limited an 62,404,802 13.39 14.45
05/10/20 Wairahi Investments Limited 22,908,241 - 5.30
05/12/19 Jarden Partners Limited. 28,700,876 7.42 8.99
07/11/16 Superlife Trustee Nominees Limited, 778,042 28.14 0.34

Director’s Interests Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Details Other
10/12/20 John Scott 850,000 - - -
18/11/20 Gottfried Pausch 2,416,640 - - -
23/07/20 Howard D Milliner 3,536,561 - - -
23/07/20 Gregory C. Allen 7,493,382 - - -
01/11/19 George C Allen 5,535,041 - - -
06/06/17 Tony Nowell 280,458 - - -
23/05/17 John McMahon 9,966,342 - - -

Analysts’ Forecasts

No forecasts available


Data on this page is from BusinessDesk and NZX Ltd for information purposes only. Details are believed to be accurate but no warranty is given as to accuracy, timeliness, reliability or completeness. No person should rely on the contents of the report and all persons should obtain independent professional advice before acting on any information connected with or contained in this report.
Last Updated: 01/07/2022

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