
Winton Land Limited Ordinary Shares

Company Details

Registered Office: Level 4, 10 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, Auckland, 1010
Postal Address: Level 4, 10 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, Auckland, 1010
Telephone: +64-9-377-7003
Facsimile: n/a
First Listed: 17/12/2021
Balance Date: 30 June
AGM: 25/10/2023

Directors and Executives

Jelte Bakker
Alternate Director
Julian Cook
Executive Director
Guy Fergusson
Non-Executive Director
Justine Hollows
General Counsel / Company Secretary
Steven Joyce
Independent Director
James Kemp
Non-Executive Director
Jean McMahon
Chief Financial Officer
Chris Meehan
Michaela Meehan
Non-Executive Director
Glen Tupuhi
Independent Director


Title Date Type
Winton - Appendix 3G Wed, Jun 05 2024 04:13 pm SECISSUE
Winton - Capital Change Notice (ESOP) Wed, Jun 05 2024 01:57 pm SECISSUE
Winton - Cessation of alternate director role Fri, May 24 2024 03:50 pm ADMIN
NZD/AUD FX rate set for Interim Dividend Mon, Mar 04 2024 02:34 pm GENERAL
Director independence Tue, Feb 20 2024 12:13 pm ADMIN
Winton continues momentum into FY24 Tue, Feb 20 2024 08:30 am HALFYR
Winton - Confirmation of Director's Retirement Date Mon, Feb 12 2024 09:45 am ADMIN
SPH Notice - Wanaka Partners, LLC and David Liptak Mon, Feb 12 2024 08:50 am SHINTR
SPH Notice - Macquarie Real Estate Management (Australia) Mon, Feb 12 2024 08:45 am SHINTR
Winton - Results of Special Meeting of Shareholders Mon, Jan 22 2024 12:44 pm MEETING

Major Holdings Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Current
12/02/24 Wanaka Partners, LLC and David Lipt 13,852,313 - 4.67
04/12/23 Wanaka Partners, LLC 20,843,479 9.67 7.22
17/11/23 MREMAL, the Investor Entities and A 66,284,251 17.35 22.35
28/08/23 WIN 146,333,700 79.01 49.34
17/12/21 JWAJ Limited 20,972,418 - 7.07
17/12/21 Korama Limited 162,593,000 - 54.82
17/12/21 The Akarua Sub Trust, MREMAL, the I 146,333,700 - 49.34

Director’s Interests Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Details Other
11/12/23 Guy Leonard Fergusson 81,088 - - -
09/03/23 Christopher Scott Meeha 163,329,448 - - -
09/03/23 Michaela Ward Meehan 163,329,448 - - -
17/12/21 Julian Bradwell Cook 1,286,339 - - -
17/12/21 Jean Hilary McMahon 156,933 - - -
17/12/21 Anna Marion Molloy 38,591 - - -
17/12/21 Glen Andrew Tupuhi 12,870 - - -

Analysts’ Forecasts

profit2021 profit2022 eps2021 dps2021 sales2021 ebit2021 ebitda2021
mean 41.9 14.1 3.0 185.2 63.3 64.7
high 41.9 14.1 3.0 185.2 63.3 64.7
low 41.9 14.1 3.0 185.2 63.3 64.7
sample 1 0 1 1 1 1 1


Data on this page is from BusinessDesk and NZX Ltd for information purposes only. Details are believed to be accurate but no warranty is given as to accuracy, timeliness, reliability or completeness. No person should rely on the contents of the report and all persons should obtain independent professional advice before acting on any information connected with or contained in this report.
Last Updated: 12/09/2023

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