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moves afoot to push more commercial investment into climate adaptation

KPMG New Zealand says the country’s barriers to climate adaptation are financial rather than environmental, and It's calling for more commercial investment in resilience.  KPMG, Standard Chartered

Thu, Jan 01 1970

govt moves on social investment with new agency

The government is replacing the Social Wellbeing Agency with the Social Investment Agency, which will lead the coalition's new social investment approach. $50.5 million in new funding has been allocat

Thu, Jan 01 1970

infrastructure investment generates wider benefits

An infrastructure advocacy group has commissioned research suggesting the flow-on benefits of investing in two new roads could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars to the New Zealand economy.  In

Thu, Jan 01 1970

chorus slashes 200m from fibre investment plan

Chorus plans to extend fibre broadband to another 10,000 premises, down from a proposed programme of 40,000. In November, Chorus published its proposal to the Commerce Commission for the 2025-2028 fib

Thu, Jan 01 1970

govt restores interest deductibility on investment properties

Reinstating the ability for landlords to deduct interest expenses on their tax returns from next month will ease pressure on rents and simplify the tax code, associate finance minister David Seymour s

Thu, Jan 01 1970

the city of london investment trusts

The Company's objective is to provide long-term growth in income and capital, principally by investment in equities listed on the London Stock Exchange. The Board continues to recognise the importance

Thu, Jan 01 1970

my net worth dylan lawrence general manager investment nz trade and enterprise

Dylan Lawrence is responsible for investment promotion and attraction activities on behalf of the New Zealand government. Following a career as a business analyst at SkyCity and investment banker at C

Thu, Jan 01 1970

craigs beefs up its investment banking office

Craigs Investment Partners has confirmed the appointments of Goldman Sachs' Justin Queale and Steve Sue as its new investment banking chief executive and managing director respectively. Queale has bee

Thu, Jan 01 1970

next generation stands to inherit 1 trillion but parents have a problem

Passing on wealth needs careful planning and discussions with experts. Produced in association with Craigs Investment Partners. It has been estimated that around $1 trillion of wealth will transfer o

Thu, Jan 01 1970

making the most of selling the farm

To avoid “horror stories”, selling a farm begins long before the "for sale" sign goes up. Produced in association with Craigs Investment Partners. The sudden influx of a substantial sum – like t

Thu, Jan 01 1970

fc investment trust plc

Foreign & Colonial Investment Trust aims to grow investor capital and income over the mid to long term. They invest primarily in equities, in both well-established companies listed on the world's majo

Thu, Jan 01 1970

the art of continuous investment improvement

'Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.' – Mike Tyson. An investment framework … The most important thing to me and anyone I know who is serious about investing is to have “an

Thu, Jan 01 1970

bankers false and highly defamatory claims land clare capital defamation case from being ai

Being AI has filed defamation action against an investment bank. Clare Capital sent an email and attached research note about Being AI in April.  The investment bank questioned why Being, which joine

Thu, Jan 01 1970

myfarm sets up 190m kiwifruit investment fund

Primary sector investment manager MyFarm has set up a $190 million kiwifruit orchard investment vehicle. Investors in its 11 kiwifruit partnerships voted to amalgamate them into one. The MyFarm KiwiFr

Thu, Jan 01 1970

nelson property companies successfully sue former investment manager

Three Nelson property companies with assets worth at least $40 million have successfully sued their former investment management company and two former directors. Michael Millar is the director of Inv

Thu, Jan 01 1970

the bankers investment trust

The Bankers Investment Trust aims over the long term to achieve capital growth in excess of the FTSE World Index and annual dividend growth greater than inflation, as defined by the UK Retail Prices I

Thu, Jan 01 1970

new rules allowing foreign investment in build to rent on the way

The government has used the launch of a new build-to-rent (BTR) facility in Auckland to announce new rules smoothing the way for foreign investment in the purpose-built rental sector. Prime minister C

Thu, Jan 01 1970

australian foundation investment company

Australian Foundation Investment Company Limited specializes in investing in Australian equities. The company has a diverse portfolio of 75 Australian companies. The company follows a dividend reinves

Thu, Jan 01 1970

bluebird improves profits after major investment in wiri site

Bluebird Foods New Zealand has posted a $13.2 million net profit for the year ended December 2023, according to recently filed accounts. This was an increase from $326,000 the previous year, which i

Thu, Jan 01 1970

business of government social investment edition

A contest of ideas? Last week, finance minister Nicola Willis, who also holds the social investment portfolio, announced the relaunch of the agency responsible for taking the work in that area forward

Thu, Jan 01 1970

nz super fund gets acting chief investment officer

An acting chief investment officer has been appointed to the crown entity managing the $75 billion New Zealand Superannuation Fund. The current CIO at the Guardians of NZ Superannuation, Stephen Gilm

Thu, Jan 01 1970

businessnz more change needed to ease overseas investment

A new ministerial directive letter telling Land Information New Zealand (Linz) to speed up the consent processing time frames is a good start but “more, fundamental change is needed”, says Busines

Thu, Jan 01 1970

the rise and rise of womens investing

Gender pay gap remains - but many women are turning to investing. New Zealand has made great strides in gender equality – but an 8.6 per cent gender pay gap remains, resulting in a retirement saving

Thu, Jan 01 1970

how a quake and a crash led to success

This article has been prepared by Craigs Investment Partners, edited by the NZ Herald, and is being published as advertorial. Craigs Investment Partners celebrate 40 years in business. It was one of t

Thu, Jan 01 1970

emergency overseas investment rules ditched

Strict overseas investment rules brought in as the covid pandemic hit are to be lifted. Associate finance minister David Parker said the temporary powers had been little used and the healthier economi

Thu, Jan 01 1970
*All returns are per annum, after fees and before taxes. Data updated at 1:07pm 03 July 2024 (NZT)
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