Nuplex CEO Severin reaps $10.3 mln windfall from $1 bln Allnex takeover
By Fiona Rotherham July 7 (BusinessDesk) - Emery Severin, chief executive of resins company Nuplex Industries, is due a $10.3 million cash payout following a shareholder vote in favour of a $1 billion proposed takeover by private equity-backed Belgian company Allnex. At a s...
Nuplex shareholders OK $1 billion Allnex takeover
By Fiona Rotherham July 7 (BusinessDesk) - Sixty-four years after it was founded and 49 years since it listed on the NZX, New Zealand-based global resins company Nuplex Industries is set to pass into the hands of private equity-backed Belgian company Allnex following a shareho...
Tech firm VMob to change name to Plexure
By Fiona Rotherham July 7 (BusinessDesk) - VMob, the mobile advertising firm, is changing its name to Plexure Group to better reflect the connective role it plays with global retail customers such as McDonald’s and Ikea. Plexure, is from the Latin word plexus, which means t...
IPO in prospect as home retrofitter HRV hits acquisition trail
By Fiona Rotherham July 7 (BusinessDesk) - HRV is on the acquisition trail with a planned roll-up of small companies in the retrofit healthy home sector and initial public offering on the sharemarket a potential exit option for its private equity majority owner. The Aucklan...