Govt signals funding package for three waters projects

Govt signals funding package for three waters projects

The government looks close to announcing a major funding package for councils planning water upgrades after separating those from the $2.6 billion of grants and loans it announced today for ‘shovel-ready' infrastructure work.The projects announced today include some climate-r...

Gavin Evans 01 Jul 2020
Low-carbon funding should depend on emissions reduction

Low-carbon funding should depend on emissions reduction

The government should establish a contestable fund to develop low-carbon infrastructure as part of the country’s covid-19 recovery, Transpower chief executive Alison Andrew says. The spending underway to restore the economy is a rare opportunity to also commence the multi-bill...

Gavin Evans 01 Jul 2020
Govt names first $240m spend from $3b infrastructure programme

Govt names first $240m spend from $3b infrastructure programme

Twelve projects announced today as part of the government’s latest post-covid infrastructure spend include everything from social housing, to an inland port development and a hydrogen-blend sewage treatment project. The projects could employ more than 1,700 people and account...

Gavin Evans 01 Jul 2020
Transpower proceeds with $97m lines project

Transpower proceeds with $97m lines project

Transpower is going ahead with a $97 million upgrade of lines in the lower South Island saying the work has value as part of the country’s covid-19 recovery and to encourage renewable generation in the area. The national grid operator spent recent months strengthening transmis...

Gavin Evans 30 Jun 2020