Tiwai closure: assured short-term pain but maybe long-term gain

Tiwai closure: assured short-term pain but maybe long-term gain

The closure of the Tiwai Point aluminium smelter will mean short-term disruption to the electricity market, with generators postponing some planned new power stations and grid operator Transpower needing to scramble to improve large-scale transmission from the South to the North...

Jenny Ruth 09 Jul 2020
JENNY RUTH: Metlifecare seems to think a formal move to oust the chair isn't material

Jenny Ruth: JENNY RUTH: Metlifecare seems to think a formal move to oust the chair isn't material

Metlifecare apparently doesn't think a letter from a 5.4 percent shareholder requisitioning a meeting to vote on unseating chair Kim Ellis is a material matter that it needed to disclose to the NZX. That requisition from Hong Kong-based Maso Capital Partners was sent on Friday...

Jenny Ruth 09 Jul 2020
NZ dollar weakens against greenback despite higher dairy prices

NZ dollar weakens against greenback despite higher dairy prices

The New Zealand dollar was slightly weaker against the greenback with the 14 percent jump in the price of whole milk powder, NZ's biggest export, helping offset a weaker tone in global share markets. The kiwi was trading at 65.40 US cents at 5pm in Wellington from 65.54 cents...

Jenny Ruth 08 Jul 2020
No fear and loathing in the housing market

No fear and loathing in the housing market

Conditions in the housing market are nowhere near as dire as many predicted when New Zealand went into lockdown in March and now a net 34 percent of real estate agents say house prices are rising, up from 18 percent in June. Economist Tony Alexander's survey of 647 real estate...

Jenny Ruth 08 Jul 2020