Fisher & Paykel Healthcare has updated its revenue and earnings guidance for the 2023/2024 financial year.

The company now expects full-year operating revenue to be about $1.73 billion, up from the previous guidance of approximately $1.7b.

Similarly, the new guidance for underlying profit after tax is in the range of around $260m to $265m, compared to the earlier range of about $250m to $260m.

Fisher & Paykel attributed the higher revenue and profit expectations to solid demand for its hospital consumables and strong performance of its Evora Full mask.

The updated guidance is based on an assumed New Zealand to US exchange rate of 61 cents for the remainder of the financial year.

The company will undergo a scheduled valuation of its properties, which may have an impact on the net profit for the year.

The financial results for 2023/2024 are expected to be announced on May 29 2024.

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