Infratil has reported a net parent surplus of $1.2 billion for the first half of the fiscal year, driven by a revaluation of its stake in One NZ and increased earnings at its key operating businesses.

The company's Proportionate EBITDAF increased by 45% compared to the same period last year.

Infratil has raised its FY2024 Proportionate EBITDAF guidance to $820 - $850 million.

The company's CEO highlighted the strong performance of its operating businesses, including CDC Data Centres, Manawa Energy, Longroad Energy, RHCNZ Medical Imaging, Qscan Group, and Wellington Airport.

Infratil also announced its commitment to sustainability and its achievement of having its climate targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative.

The company deployed $2.7 billion in capital over the six-month period, including the acquisition of a further stake in One NZ and investments in digital and renewable businesses.

Infratil retains significant liquidity for further investment opportunities.

The company will pay an interim dividend of 7.00 cents per share, a 3.7% increase from the previous year.

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