Meridian Energy has reported a significant increase in national hydro storage levels for the month of August 2024.

National hydro storage rose from 45% to 99% of the historical average.

In the South Island, storage reached 104% of the average, while in the North Island, it increased to 82% of the average.

The company's monthly total inflows were also higher than the historical average, with inflows in the Waiau catchment at 124% of the average.

However, Meridian's Waitaki catchment water storage was at 48% of the historical average, and snow storage in the Waitaki catchment was 86% of the average.

The company said national electricity demand in August 2024 was 6.3% lower than the same month last year.

Meridian's retail sales volumes were also 3.2% lower compared to August 2023, with segment sales increasing in agriculture and large business, but decreasing in residential, small medium business, and corporate sectors.

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