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Synlait Farms stock to trade on Unlisted platform

Synlait Farms stock to trade on Unlisted platform

March 25 (BusinessDesk) – Synlait Farms, the Canterbury dairy farmer whose owners tried unsuccessfully to raise funds for its milk processing associate in a 2009 IPO, is to have its stock quoted on the Unlisted platform starting tomorrow. The company runs 12,970 cows on 13 farm...

25 Mar 2013
China Construction Bank board approves plan for NZ subsidiary

China Construction Bank board approves plan for NZ subsidiary

March 25 (BusinessDesk) - China Construction Bank, the world's second biggest lender by market value, has got board approval to set up a subsidiary in New Zealand. The bank's board, which counts former Prime Minister Dame Jenny Shipley among its directors, unanimously approved...

25 Mar 2013
Batteries the biggest obstacle to solar power in the Pacific

Batteries the biggest obstacle to solar power in the Pacific

By Pattrick Smellie March 25 (BusinessDesk) - The rapidly falling costs of electricity produced from the using photo-voltaic cells makes solar power one of the best options for remote Pacific Islands, but the cost and short lifespan of current battery technology is still a limit...

25 Mar 2013