Seeka Provides the Results of Meeting - ASM

Mon, Apr 19 2021 09:16 am

Results of Seeka Limited's Annual Shareholders Meeting

The following resolutions were passed by shareholders at the ASM meeting held on 16 April 2021:

1. Director election – Peter Ratahi Cross
"To re-elect Peter Ratahi Cross as a Director."

2. Director election – Ashley Waugh
"To re-elect Ashley Waugh as a Director."

3. Directors' Remuneration
"That the pool of funds available for the remuneration of directors be increased by an amount of $80,000 per annum, from a maximum of $450,000 per annum to a maximum of $530,000 in each financial year payable to all directors taken together, effective 1 January 2021."

4. Appointment and Remuneration of Auditors
"To record the re-appointment of PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) as auditor of the Company, and to authorise the Directors to fix the remuneration and expenses of the auditor for the coming year."

5. Approval of Issue of new Ordinary Shares in relation to acquisition of OPAC by Amalgamation
"That Seeka issue up to 7,042,574 new fully paid ordinary shares of Seeka, at the issue price, and for the consideration, described in the explanatory note pursuant to the Amalgamation Proposal described in the explanatory note and accompanying the Notice of Meeting."

Details of the total number of votes cast in person or by a proxy holder are attached.

Announcement PDF

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