Seeka Limited [NZX:SEK] advises that the Shareholders of New Zealand Fruits Limited (NZ Fruits) have voted overwhelmingly in favour of its acquisition by amalgamation with Seeka.
Seeka Limited [NZX:SEK] advises that all conditions for the NZ Fruits amalgamation have been met and the transaction is expected to be completed early February 2022.
Release ends:
For further information please contact:
Michael Franks Seeka Chief Executive 021356516
Stuart McKinstry Seeka Chief Financial Officer 0212215583
The S&P/NZX 50 Index closed at 12,266.25, gaining 57.2 points or 0.47%.
Goldman Sach analysts have a 12-month target price of A$2.85 ($3.14).
An investment firm bought the stake, which included 116,145 hectares of forestry.
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