Auckland 28 June, 2022: NZX:GSH Good Spirits Hospitality (“GSH”) advises that, as advised on 18 May 2022, its Chair, Duncan Makeig, has stepped down from the Board today.
The Directors have unanimously agreed that Mr Matt Adams be appointed Independent Chairman.
Mr Adams has been a director of GSH since December 2019 and is currently Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee. Since his appointment to the Board, Mr Adams has been instrumental in pursuing opportunities to increase shareholder value through both operational and acquisitional initiatives. He also took a lead role in supporting GSH to navigate its way through the COVID pandemic and associated lockdowns and restrictions.
On his appointment Mr Adams stated:
“It is an honour to be elected Chairman of Good Spirits and I look forward to working with the company’s stakeholders to continue pursuing value as Good Spirits emerges from the COVID related hospitality downturn. We are seeing strong green shoots in regard to current trading and are especially delighted with the strong performance of GSH’s newest venue – the Fox – A London Pub.
I would also like to personally thank Duncan for his tireless work as Chairman of Good Spirits over the past 3 years, we wish him well for his future endeavours.”
At today’s board meeting, Mr John Seton was elected Chairman of Good Spirits’ Audit and Risk Committee to replace Mr Adams.
The GSH Board extended its thanks to Duncan for his dedication and service and congratulated Mr Adams on his appointment to Chair.
For further information, contact:
Company Secretary
Good Spirits Hospitality Limited
[email protected]
About Good Spirits Hospitality Limited: Good Spirits Hospitality is a NZX Main Board-listed investment company focusing in the Hospitality sector (NZX: GSH). Good Spirits Hospitality Limited owns and operates hospitality venues in New Zealand’s North Island, providing places to connect with others and world class standards to provide lasting and memorable experiences to our guests and customers.
Good People * Good Times * Good Spirits
The S&P/NZX 50 Index closed at 12,209.05, down 40.5 points or 0.33%.
Retail investors took up 42% of the shares offered to them in the capital raise.
The S&P/NZX 50 Index closed at 12,249.55, down 161.42 points or 1.3%.
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