$85m property revaluation gain anticipated for 2H FY22

Tue, Jul 19 2022 08:30 am

NorthWest Healthcare Properties Management Limited (the Manager), as manager of Vital Healthcare Property Trust (Vital), expects Vital to record a property revaluation gain of ~$85m for the six months ended 30 June 2022, with ~42% of the portfolio by value independently valued. This preliminary draft revaluation gain represents a 3% increase since 31 December 2021.
This is in addition to the $153.2m recorded for the six months ended 31 December 2021; equating to a full year gain of ~$238m, a gain of ~9% since 30 June 2021.
The indicative revaluation gain referred to above is subject to audit and will be confirmed when Vital's full year results are released on 11 August 2022.

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Aaron Hockly
Fund Manager, Vital Healthcare Property Trust
Tel 09 973 7301, Email [email protected]

Michael Groth
Chief Financial Officer, NorthWest Healthcare Properties Management Limited
Tel +61 409 936 104, Email [email protected]

About Vital (NZX code VHP):

Vital Healthcare Property Trust is an NZX-listed fund that invests in high-quality healthcare properties in New Zealand and Australia including private hospitals (~80% of portfolio value), out-patient facilities (~16% of portfolio value) and aged care (~4% of portfolio value).

Vital is the only specialist listed landlord of healthcare property in Australasia and currently has a portfolio valued at over $3.3 billion.

Vital is managed by NorthWest Healthcare Properties Management Limited, a subsidiary of Toronto Stock Exchange listed NorthWest Healthcare Properties REIT, a global owner and manager of healthcare property.

For more information, visit our website: www.vhpt.co.nz

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