The Board of NZ Automotive Investments Limited (Company) (NZX:NZA) advises that, in accordance with the Company’s constitution, each of Gordon Shaw, Michael Stiassny and Samantha Sharif retired as an independent director effective from the conclusion of the Company’s annual shareholders’ meeting (ASM) today.
The Board advises that it has reappointed Samantha Sharif as an independent director, effective immediately following the conclusion of the ASM and on the same terms as she was originally appointed.
At the ASM, shareholders of the Company passed the following resolutions:
• That Michael Stiassny be re-elected as a director of the Company.
• That Gordon Shaw be re-elected as a director of the Company.
The full results of the voting on all resolutions at the ASM will be released once the results have been verified.
For further information please contact:
Gordon Shaw Director / Interim CEO NZ Automotive Investments Limited
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 021 199 0331
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