To: Market Participants
From: NZX Product Operations
Date: Tuesday, 11 October 2022
Subject: Plexure Group Limited (“PX1”) – Change in Name, Ticker Code, Share Registry & Listing Status on the NZX Main Board from Primary to NZX Foreign Exempt
Further to the announcement made by Plexure Group Limited (“PX1”) at 11:37am today, NZX Operations (“NZXO”) advises that the company will be changing its name to TASK Group Holdings Limited, and its ticker code to TSK with effect from market open on Tuesday, 18 October 2022.
The ISIN will remain unchanged as NZSMRE0001S6
Please also be advised that the management of Plexure Group Limited Ordinary Shares will move from Computershare Investor Services (“RMLT”) to Computershare AU (“CPST”). The changeover date is Monday, 17 October 2022.
Finally, Plexure Group Limited will change listing category on the NZX Main Board from Primary to NZX Foreign Exempt pending remaining ASX listing conditions. This change will be effective from Monday, 17 October 2022.
Please contact NZX Product Operations on +64 4 496 2853 or [email protected] with any queries.
The S&P/NZX 50 Index closed at 12.844.59, declining 60.45 points or 0.47%.
The CEO says Lyttelton Port does not generate sufficient returns on its capital base.
Falling market share and margins in the broadband market look entrenched.
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