Correction to the EROAD Results Announcement for H1 FY23

Fri, Nov 25 2022 11:09 am

EROAD Limited (ASX/NZX: ERD) wishes to advise a correction to the EROAD Results Announcement for its H1 FY23 results released this morning.

The Net profit/(loss) from continuing operations and the total net profit/(loss) amounts and percentage change numbers were inadvertently transposed and should have read:

Net profit/(loss) from continuing operations:
Amount (000s):-$5,742
Percentage change:-114%

Total net profit/(loss):
Amount (000s): $552
Percentage change: 120%

We attach an updated EROAD Results Announcement for H1 FY23 and note that no other changes have been made to the announcement from that released to the market today.

Authorised for release for and on behalf of EROAD Limited by:

Margaret Warrintgon

Chief Financial Officer

For further information:

Margaret Warrington

Chief Financial Officer

Announcement PDF

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