Market Release | 15 December 2022
Auckland Airport makes announcement to the market
Auckland Airport has no plans to carry out an equity raise and we have made no announcements to the market in this regard.
We continue to consult with airlines about our future infrastructure programme, which includes our priority project – the creation of a combined domestic and international terminal as part of an expansion to the existing international terminal.
Auckland Airport’s key credit metrics that underpin our A- credit rating are recovering very strongly. On 20 October 2022 S&P reaffirmed Auckland Airport’s long term credit rating as A- with a stable outlook. Auckland Airport is planning to fund the new domestic terminal with borrowings.
For further information please contact:
Stewart Reynolds
Head of Strategy, Planning and Performance
+64 27 511 9632
[email protected]
Libby Middlebrook
Head of Communications and External Relations
+64 21 989 908
[email protected]
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