Auckland Real Estate Trust
ASX / NZX Announcement
18 January 2023
We are pleased to provide you a progress update on Auckland Real Estate Trust (ASX code: AKL “The
The Trust has completed and is continuing to progress a number of the initiatives noted in the market
release dated 9 September 2022, which included the release of the Full Year Accounts for the year
ending 30 June 2022.
A series of more detailed releases will be provided over the next few weeks to accompany the year end
accounts as well as detailed information on the proposed delisting of the Trust (more detail below)
Update in relation to matters noted in Accounts
The NZ$188.79m refinance was succesfully completed at the end of November. The new finance
facilities are provided by a combination of the Trusts existing senior facility financiers and a junior facility
provided, on market-based terms, by entities associated with and managed by Alceon Group.
The new finance facilities refinanced the prior NZ$133.50m loan and include a facility of NZ$32.00m to
finance the Formery project. The new finance facility includes provisions in relation to the completion of
the sale of the Harbour Collection, as well as market terms in relation to the drawdown of funding for
the Formery project, The finance facilities are for a term of 2 years, which align with the timeframe for
the planned strategic initiatives explained briefly below.
The sale of the Harbour Collection for approximately NZ$52.50m, before costs, is due to complete In
March 2023. The buyer, who is syndicating the properties, has completed due diligence and secured
debt funding. The equity syndication is due to commence in late January, with the contract conditional
upon the equity syndication. The syndication is 50% underwritten.
The sale of the US asset, 1700 W Higgins, has been impacted by the US market conditions, with the
sale delayed and terms revised. Negotiations are progressing and a transaction, for a partial or
complete sale, is expected to be completed at the US$15.00m total consideration previously noted.
Update on assets and forward activities
The stabilised assets, which comprise of 1 Albert Street, the Harbour Collection and 1700 W. Higgins,
Chicago are now effectively fully leased. The trusts strategy is to realise stabilised assets in an orderly
fashion in due course.
The Fomery project will commence in early 2023, with the strategy to lease the upgraded premium
office areas as the link and re-positioning works are progressed. More detail on the Formery project will
be provided in the February update as well as the forward activities outlined below.
We continue to progress with multiple work streams to commence asset sales and return capital to
investors including the following initiatives:
1. Further refinance the assets individually to optimise leverage compared to the current NZ
syndicated bank facility (NZD$88.00m) which at 30 June valuations (NZD$303.00m) are at a
29% LTV excluding the undrawn capex facility.
2. Progressing a sale, or partial sale, of the 1700 W Higgins asset and associated land.
3. Progressing with a sale of the Harbour Collection (the 3 smaller stabilised assets), which is
subject to a conditional sale agreement as noted above.
4. Commencing repayment of the existing corporate mezzanine loan from cash flow and asset
sales. This facility expired in September and has been extended in line with the strategy and
continues to accrue interest on a capitalising basis at 14% pa.
5. Delisting the trust to provide operational cost savings with no benefit now being available from
a continued listing.
ARE delisting from the ASX and NXZ
Following consultations with the major investors, the Board will be presenting to unitholders a proposal
to delist the Trust.
Investors will shortly receive a meeting notice for a of General Meeting, which will occur in early March,
to present and seek investors approval for the proposed delisting.
The ASX and NZX have both approved the delisting of the Trust in principle, with the key conditions
• That investors who hold small unmarketable parcels of units be offered a price equal to the
Trusts NTA per unit at the time of the approval of the proposal, if the proposal is approved at
the General Meeting.
• All investors be offered, under a general offer to unit holders who may not wish to be invested
in the delisted Trust, a price equal to the Trusts NTA per unit at the time of the approval of the
proposal. The offer will commence after the General Meeting and be open for acceptance for a
period, the dates of which will be advised in the meeting notice.
• We anticipate the Trust will be delisted by mid-April 2023, when it will continue its business as
an unlisted Trust.
The Alceon entities intend to vote in favour of the delisting and will not be taking up the offer to realise
their units at NTA.
Mr Andrew Saunders concluded by saying “We have a high-quality portfolio of assets. Our focus is
maintaining the positive leasing and development momentum across the portfolio, completing
development works and maximising value for the stabilised assets. With our advisers and major
investors, we are actively pursuing options to maximise value, recycle capital and deliver further
For enquiries, please contact:
Andrew Saunders
Auckland Real Estate
P: +61 401 008 466
About ARE
ARE is the only pure-play Auckland CBD office property entity listed on the ASX and NZX. Auckland is
one of the leading office markets in Australia and New Zealand, with favourable supply/demand
dynamics. ARE’s investment strategy is to acquire assets where it can add value and revenue,
redeveloping and repositioning them to generate both income and capital returns.